
@yorkshiredales have announced they have funding for a short…

@yorkshiredales have announced they have funding for a short...

@yorkshiredales have announced they have funding for a short arts project working with people who are less likely to be engaged with nature, exploring the relationship between taking part in arts activity and people’s connection to nature.

The project will engage 10 to 15 people from a group currently known to be under-represented as visitors to the Yorkshire Dales National Park (BAME, young people, people with long term health conditions or disabilities and those experiencing social or financial disadvantage). The group will take part in arts activity designed to increase their connection to the natural world through direct experience of the National Park.

For more information on the project and how to apply, email Catherine Kemp, Education and Engagement Manager, on

#FundingOpportunity #YorkshireDales #YDNPA #ArtsProject #Nature #ConnectingToNature #LiveMoreDoMore

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