
We hope the support from Arts Council England (@aceagrams ) …

We hope the support from Arts Council England (@aceagrams )

We hope the support from Arts Council England (@aceagrams ) and other funding opportunities we have been sharing will be able to alleviate some financial concerns for you in the short term and help keep the ball rolling while we all try to figure out how we fit in to this new world. We’ve been contacting all our partners, seedfundees and creative champions to offer our support however we can, whether that’s by being a sounding board for ideas or by reading a draft application with a fresh pair of eyes. If we can help you with an emergency funding application please let us know on and Manon, Lindsey or Lisa will respond to you. 💫Funding for Round 2 of emergency funding from Arts Council opens tomorrow & applicants will need to register on Grantium by 27 April in order to make an application before the deadline of 30 April.💫
Images taken in 2019 by @stephengarnettphotography .
#letscreate #lakesanddales #inthistogether #arts #artscommunity #funding #artsfunding #ukarts

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