
@freshperspective have taken the opportunity to start a new …

@freshperspective have taken the opportunity to start a new ...

@freshperspective have taken the opportunity to start a new project! Joy in Numbers is dedicated to finding new ways to bring joy to people during lockdown. Today there is a live songwriting workshop with @avagracemusician and @declanvinkmusic
The group, made up of 16-25 year olds from the #LakesAndDales would like you to get in touch if you want to get involved. They will be hosting a series of live workshops/tutorials, prepared by local talents and businesses on their Instagram platform. They hope to create a space that brings people together and forms a feeling of community spirit and generosity – and most importantly, brings joy in numbers🔢 –

#community #letscreate #youthled #joinin #joyinnumbers #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #selfisolation #lockdown

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